Conference Day
- 126 tickets sold
- 113 attended (89,7% attendance rate)
- 13 not attended (10,3% bounce rate)
Speakers by country
- 16 speakers
- 5 Indonesia (31,25%)
- 4 Australia (25%)
- 3 US (18,75%)
- 1 Canada (6,25%)
- 1 Germany (6,25%)
- 1 Lithuania (6,25%)
- 1 UK (6,25%)
Speakers by continent
- Asia (31,25%)
- America (25%)
- Australia (25%)
- Europe (18,75%)
Thoughts about the conference day
Based on the available venue we were able to create two tracks, a non-tech track and a tech track. Attendees loved that concept as they were able to follow one presentation after the other in their field of interest. Thanks again to Hubud for being our venue sponsor!
Beside many compliments for the venue and the speaker selection we also received massive compliments on the catering. Thus another thank you goes out to Mara and Maureen from Warung Schnitzel!
Contributor Day
- 50 expected
- 48 attendees
Polyglots team
- 500+ strings translated
- 1 core bug reported
Core team
- 1 patch added to core
- 1 bug reported
Plugin team
- 1 plugin developed
Design team
- 1 design proposal submitted
Thoughts on the contributor day
The contributor day took place at the Onion Collective and according to our attendees it was one of the best contributor day they’ve ever attended. That’s a huge compliment considering the fact that it was the first contributor day for us organisers. We had no idea what to expect in the beginning. Based on the fact that we had access to the restaurant, co-working space and pool it was a very relaxed atmosphere. Based on the stats we even received massive compliments from advanced Automatticians.
Last but not least we want to thank all our sponsors for enabling us to make this great event happen. Thus a massive thank you is going out to the following sponsors.
Platinum: Human Made, Jetpack, WooCommerce
Silver: Biznet, Bluehost, WPML
Venue: Hubud, The Onion Collective