Patrick Woodcraft

Patrick Woodcraft

Patrick is a prominent media and event host shining the light on the frontline of the radical transformation of society and culture, for the future of life on Earth.

As an advocate for environmentally responsible brands, and an ambassador to eco friendly organisations, Patrick supports organisations that take social and corporate responsibility seriously, and make environmental sustainability a top organisational priority. He shines the light on brands that demonstrate their zero-compromise stance on doing what’s best for people and the planet.

As a voice for future generations, Patrick works with prominent Intentional Community Leaders, Eco Property Developers, Sustainable Builders, and Green Tech Entrepreneurs globally to share the most significant revolutionary concepts with mainstream society.

Patrick’s message of hope for humanity is positive and compelling, inspirational and actionable …

You have a far greater impact than you imagine and
making the change for good is easier than you think!

With a gift for connection and communication, and a love for life on the edge, Patrick’s personal mission is simple and direct …

I Engage and Empower, Educate & Entertain;
Whatever it takes to Inspire people everywhere to
Step up and make the change for good now!
